Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I should just Photoshop a whole wedding

1 comment:

  1. You can even photoshop the entire family photos if you and nelson like;) -- you may my permission as long as you make me look better... hahah

    But you still need some kind of dress for the wedding, so I hope you are making progress...

    I get the red obi is becoming your theme, it looks very nice on you. I don't know how expensive such obi/sash is, but it may be something that even I can saw if you tell me now. It could be even made like the diagnal criss cross belt with various red silk patterns. If you use a traditional Japanese obi, it is thick and very stiff and heavy; it would difficult to shape or tie into a place unless you pin or saw parts of it into the dress. You might as well buy the one that shows here or get one made.

    Chiffon overlays also look very flattering on you. If you like the soft fluffy bottom, the shape of the skirt I thought looked good on you was the DB flower dress and also the princess poka dot chifoon dress you tried at the AA Main Street store.
